Call to Worship, June 30, 2013
This morning I led worship at First Parish in Concord. The sermon that I gave was a variation of my “This Land is Your Land?” It appeared to be a success and I enjoyed myself. The building is beautiful and historic. The social hall was filled with portraits of their famous ministers including Ezra Ripley, Dana Greeley and Barzillai Frost, the minister who Emerson makes fun of in his Divinity School Address. I hope that I was a little more inspiring than Emerson found Frost to be. Anyways, here’s the call to worship I gave:
fertile damp,
sunflower bursts,
wild black raspberries,
summer is here
with all of her joyous
complicated wonder.
Earth dances,
circles, twists,
its way through the seasons.
Summer follows spring,
heralds fall,
this now is ours,
let us gather
and honor what is,
imagine what might be
and strive to be present
with the all.
Come, let us worship together.
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