Summer Sermon Series

This summer I am leading worship and providing pastoral care for the First Parish in Milton, Unitarian Universalist, for the month of July. In my sermons I will explore Unitarian Universalism as a religion of presence. Over the next four weeks each of the services will touch on a different question. This week I will ask: What does it mean to be present to the moment? Next week: How can we be present to each other? The following week, on July 21, I will ask: How can we be present to justice? And for my last sermon: How are we present to the holy?

Each week in advance of the service I will be posting on my blog, and sending out through the congregation’s e-newsletter, a common meditation that will anchor the service. If you plan to attend I encourage you to read the piece beforehand and take some time to mediate upon it during the week. This week I have selected Louis Gluck’s magnificent poem “Celestial Music” found on-line on 

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