Best Books on Preaching?
I am currently taking advantage of the UUMA’s excellent coaching program to work with a coach on my preaching. We have decided to read a book on preaching together and I have been tasked with drawing up a short list of possibilities to select from. So… I am looking for suggestions on the good books on homiletics. In particular, I want a book that is written for experienced preachers, not for seminarians just learning how to preach. Three books that either friends have written or suggested that I haven’t read might make the short list: Matthew Johnson Doyle’s “Newborn Bards: A Theology of Preaching for Unitarian Universalists,” Kay Northcutt’s “Kindling Desire for God: Preaching as Spiritual Direction,” and Barbara Brown Taylor’s “The Preaching Life.” I would leave to know if readers of this blog have other suggestions.
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