Blocking the Ambulance
Yesterday during coffee hour someone came up to me quite upset about my support of the protestors who blocked off I-93 on Thursday. I was going to try to articulate a response on my blog but I instead found a piece on Dr. Rebecca Haines’s blog, “Discrediting #BlackLivesMatter with ambulance concerns is disingenuous. Here’s why,” that more-or-less said whatever I would have to say. The key passage, for me, in the post is:
During baseball season, ambulances are routinely prevented from reaching major Boston hospitals in an efficient manner. I wonder whether the people who are attempting to discredit the #BlackLivesMatter protest also speak out against the Red Sox and their fans for blocking traffic? After all, although the intent of the Red Sox fans and these protesters differ, the outcome is the same: Predictable though Red Sox traffic may be, emergencies are by nature unpredictable, and emergency vehicles do become stuck on their way to the Longwood Medical Area on game days.
You can read the balance of the post here. While you’re at you might check out “To the People Complaining About the Inconvenience of the Highway Shutdowns” by Patrick M DeCarlo.
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